Thursday, August 26, 2010

My creative space...

Lately, it's been hexies, hexies, hexies.

Ok, so there has been some other sewing too but the photos suck. Do you ever go through bad photo patches? It's like bad hair, all of a sudden nothing works and you can't leave the house/ upload your photos. So, hexies it is...

These are half-inchers that I made using the fabric glue basting method (tutorial coming soon). This method isn't quite as portable as sewing them as you really need a surface to press down the edges but I still like to keep my little kit handy.

Visit some other Creative Spaces over at Kootoyo.


Emily said...

Those are lovely!! I'd never thought of using fabric glue...what brand do you use? I wonder if I'd be allergic to it! lol. It would be a great alternative though, since I don't really enjoy sewing hexies. I can totally appreciate it when others do though!

beth said...

great hexies you've got there!!

Mary said...

These are adorable....I have a template for hexies waiting for me...too many other pots in the fire, though. I will look for your tutorial!