Saturday, June 26, 2010

I think I'm in love

I'd already begun to open my heart to yellow (which I've always hated) & then next came orange (ewww!) but now that I've begun combining them with plums, purples & fuchsia they've swept me off my feet. I think the silver of the Kona ash really makes it for me too.

I'm playing with quilt designs that try to capture the feeling that I get from these photos ~ so far its only working with teeny tiny squares (yikes) which would mean ticker tape or confetti I guess. I have to admit I intended this to be a little model ~ for a block in a box quilt say~ but it may turn out to be to scale. I'm not sure yet whether it would work for a lap sized quilt.

I can't wait to see how the new Heather Ross line Far Far Away 2 goes with these fabrics from her Mendocino and first Far Far Away lines. I have a birthday package winging its way across the sea right now. Some of those fabrics will go into my Doll Quilt Swap quilt, some into a charity quilt which I'll blog about once I get it underway and some will be just for me ~ especially the roses.

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